Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Kengai Princess (ch.19) Release

New Chapter! And Happy New Year if I don't release before then!

Chapter 19 of Kengai Princess!
Download Link: Here


Monday, December 28, 2015

Kengai Princess (ch.18) Release!

New chapter of Kengai Princess for you! I love Meguro's fantasies. 

Chapter 18 of Kengai Princess!
Download Link: Here


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Kengai Princess (ch.16-17) Release!

Here's a Christmas/New Years-themed set of chapters! I had a little bit of a slow day yesterday, so I'm able to get these out to you before then! :) 

I love how Meguro's parents, though goofy, a little clueless and with not much screen time, seem happy together and are supportive of her. It's sooo rare in shoujo manga! 
Chapter 16, Download Link: Here
Chapter 17, Download Link: Here


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Kengai Princess (ch.15) Update!

Another chapter! I am on a roll!

Chapter 15 of Kengai Princess!
Download Link: Here

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Kengai Princess (ch.14) Update!

Here we have... chapter 14 of Kengai Princess!
Download Link: Here
Another dude…?! Exciting! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Kengai Princess (ch.13) Release!

Chapter 13 of Kengai Princess!

Download Link: Here
Getting into the Christmas spirit, gonna try and throw even more Kengai your way! I read today that Kengai also got licensed in France (yaay)!! French readers, please go pick it up when it comes out! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Furuba Another & Kengai Princess Update!

Double Release! 

Riku-san is extremely cute, I hope this will lead to something between him and Sawa!!

Download Fruits Basket Another, Chapter 6 Here: Link

Meguro knows how important eyebrows are! I feel awesome when I have on point eyebrows.

Download Kengai Princess, Chapter 12 Here: Link

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Kengai Princess (ch. 11) Release!

Here it is! Chapter 11 of Kengai Princess

Download Link: Here

This was a nightmare to typeset! Furuba Another (ch. 6) and the next chapter of Kengai is expect to release before New Years! Heck, maybe I can fit in more than that! We will see.

Thank you! 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Fruits Basket Another (ch.5) Release!

Here is Fruits Basket Another, chapter 5!

Fruits Basket was my first anime, and I've always rooted for Yuki, so I really like his son! Mutsuki is very cute, despite his messy habits. 

Download link: Here

As always, this is a scaled up version of the the Yukari Scans scanalation, I take no credit for the translation. I am a little later than their scanalations, but chapter 5 will be here soon! 


Sunday, November 22, 2015

New Release!

Hello all! I busted my butt and released 2 chapters to celebrate the opening of the blog today! 

We have Kengai Princess, chapter 9 and 10 ready for you.


Very cute ending to this short little arc! :) 