Monday, July 10, 2017

Kengai Princess (c. 42) Release!

Here's the next to last chapter! Major apologies for the qualities of these scans, I was mostly working from very poor Chinese-sourced photos of the magazine raws. It's certainly been a pleasure bringing you all this manga that I've managed to churn out over the past 2 years. I have more I want to bring to you all, but I will be going on a year hiatus after I finish the last chapter of Kengai Princess, and hopefully the seventh chapter of Suijin no Ikenie to you all. Without any further ado: 

Kengai Princess
Chapter 42: Download Here (I have switched from MediaFire to Google Drive - having some uploading difficulties! - EDIT: switched back to MF!)

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Kengai Princess (c. 40) Release!

Next chapter...Kunimatsu's back! Three more excited to be in the home stretch.

Kengai Princess
Chapter 40: Download Here 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Kengai Princess (c. 39) Release!

Hello everyone, very long time no see. Thank you so, so much to Grace for breaking my scanlation hiatus on KP, I really appreciate it when fans can help get a project chugging along again. That being said, I now only have the raws until Chapter 41, so if anyone has the raws for Chapter 42-43, please send them my way. 

Kengai Princess
Chapter 39: Download Here 

Other updates: I still do not have a translator for Fruits Basket Another. I am still going to scanalate Suijin no Ikenie Ch. 7, BUT the series has been officially released in the US, and you can pick the first couple of volumes here. It's ONLY $7.40! PLEASE sacrifice a couple coffees to support Toma Rei if you can, she deserves it.